OC Food Bank: Learning to be a Blessing


I had the honor of serving alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as other organizations in our community at the OC Food Bank earlier this month. We volunteered packaging boxes so that it could be filled with a variety of nutritious food items for low-income senior citizens. Following all of the CDC safety regulations, I was thankful I was able to catch up with friends while preparing boxes. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen most of my church friends and I am grateful we have each other during this time because of Christ. This outreach also gave me an opportunity to meet people outside of our church community.  It was a blessing to witness our church serve our community using our hands and taking action of where help was needed.

This year has been rough for many, if not, for everyone. In the midst of uncertainty and chaos, I tend to go down a spiral of worries. Worries about finance, health of the family, the future, etc. I fall into this quite a lot but God has been breaking me down by teaching me what faith is all about. In the end, God is in control, am I right? When we’re spiraling in isolation and anxiety, we have a choice to shift our minds back to God through community. What is most important in the end? Nothing but Christ. Once saved, the Holy Spirit lives in us and He is our Helper. Instead of spending time in my worries, I realized I must be His hands and feet. James 2:15-16 states, “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?” This verse really struck me in the heart and was a wakeup call.

I want to use my time on earth to be a blessing and to serve wholeheartedly with all that I have. I saw the opportunity serving at the OC Food Bank as an opportunity to serve those in need and a great witnessing opportunity for non-believers. What a great way to share the love of Christ through serving. God has created each of us in his image. In reference to P. Justin’s message on being generous, he said, “Generosity is a genuine characteristic of a child of God.” I am continuing to learn how to pursue a life being more like Jesus and to have that characteristic. To be generous, to serve, and to be a blessing.


Gospel Revolution


Gospel Revolution Testimonial: God’s Grace is Bigger!