First time visitors, please inform the parking usher you are a visitor. We will have a premium spot for you!

All attendees for Alpha 9am service need to vacate the lot by 10:30am

(unless you have been approved for parking exception)

All covenant members are required to use the offsite parking structure for omega 11am service.

(Unless you have been approved for parking exception)

Non covenant members may park on-site with a parking permit.

(Click here to apply for a parking permit)

Parking Structure + Shuttle Information

  • Shuttle services are from 5:30am to 2:30pm. 

  • Use the address boxed in red in the 1st image.

    • Follow the red arrows for directions on where to enter the structure.

    • The red circle is the area where the shuttle buses pick up and drop off. 

  • Shuttle buses will drop off in the KM parking lot at circle 1 and pick up at circle 2 in the 2nd image.

    • Follow the red arrows for directions to the church gym.

  • Please plan to arrive at the structure at least 15-20 minutes prior to service start time.

If you have any questions about parking, please email Deacon Justin Choi .